Empower students to become responsible leaders in the digital world
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We are a strategic ally that offers schools advice, resources, and platforms for students to develop a technological career that will successfully mark their future.

Empower students to become responsible leaders in the digital world

We are a strategic ally that offers schools advice, resources, and platforms for students to develop a technological career that will successfully mark their future.

Since 1997, TBox strengthens students from preschool through high school (K-12) to use technology in a creative and responsible way. Through a STEAM based technological career, students strengthen the competences needed to be leaders in the digital world: creativity, communication, critical thinking and problem solving.

About us?

Our team is made up of specialists from numerous areas: education, technology, neurosciences, and school support, among others. We are committed to become an ally that adds innovation and quality in schools.

Our mission

  • We empower young people to become responsible leaders in the digital world

About us

Our team is made up of specialists from numerous areas: education, technology, neurosciences, and school support, among others. We are committed to become an ally that adds innovation and quality in schools.

Our mission

  • We empower young people to become responsible leaders in the digital world

Our services

  • QH1
    Design educational projects with all the resources for students to explore various technological areas.
  • QH2
    Conduct Microsoft and Adobe certifications for students to earn international accreditations.
  • QH3
    Train the school community in various platforms such as Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams.
  • b4
    Offer online platforms for academic management, communication, and e-learning.

Our services

  • ■ Design educational projects with all the resources for students to explore various technological areas.
  • QH2
    ■ Conduct Microsoft and Adobe certifications for students to earn international accreditations.
  • QH3
    ■ Train the school community in various platforms such as Google Classroom and Teams.
  • ■ Offer online platforms for academic management, communication, and e-learning.

Interactive learning for your school

TBox integrates Project Learning methodology by promoting meaningful experiences through a sequence of activities enriched with technology that lead to completing a task or solving a problem.

All projects are designed under a learning strategy that provides a route for completing the projects in four stages:





Our clients

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Educational institutions


Educators and students

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Projects available in Google Classroom

Projects available in Google Classroom.



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From kindergarden to 12th grade, including STEAM and virtual robotics projects.

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Frequently asked questions

The technical requirements may vary according to the projects chosen in the schools’ technology plan and the applications used. One of the first steps towards the implementation is to carry out a technical diagnosis and identify the technology conditions of each institution.

The following requirements can be considered for a basic implementation.


Processor speed: 2 GHz or higher

RAM memory: 2 GB or higher

Available hard disk space: Minimum 5 GB

Minimum resolution 1024 x 768

Devices: Speakers and mouse


High speed Internet according to the number of connected devices (check with TBox specialist).

Operating system:

Windows 8 Professional

Windows 8.1 Professional

Windows 10 Pro

Recommended web browsers:

Google Chrome (latest version)

Mozilla Firefox (latest version)

Opera (latest version)

They familiarize with technology completing fun projects. They develop creativity, exploration, logical-mathematical thinking, improve their reading-writing skills and hand-eye coordination.

Students combine different technological tools such as image editing, story creation, and programming to strengthen their competencies according to their age.

Behind every smart device is a mind that detected needs and made it work. This is the stage where we empower problem-solving logic (computational thinking). Students develop logical-mathematical thinking, problem solving, and digital citizenship.

They use word processors, work with data in spreadsheets, edit images, produce videos, design websites, record podcasts, create animations, and set up a computer network.

It is time to prepare for what is next after graduation! In this stage, using technology students develop solutions to real-world problems, such as programming a robot or creating a digital marketing campaign.

Students build and program robots, develop mobile apps, design websites, edit images, produce videos, create programs for different purposes and much more.

There are several reasons to choose TBox as an ally for your school:

  • Continuous investment in developing projects, teacher training courses and platforms that promote educational innovation.
  • Our proposal is based on international standards, which means we are aligned with global trends.
  • We provide all the necessary materials for successfully implementing our proposal.
  • We cultivate long-term relationships with our institutions. We are an ally that contributes every day to your school.

Contact us

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