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Success stories
Instructor Day - TBox 2021
Discover their stories with TBox

College Santa Inés in Santa Tecla, El Salvador is a visionary all-girls school committed to the success of its students, decided to invest in a STEAM Lab. (STEAM: Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics for its acronym in English). This lab will allow the school to integrate Technology in all the other class subjects. This type of learning requires adequate space, teamwork, and the availability of resources to solve real life problems. However, you need more than just adequate space and technological equipment, teachers need the required training and orientation, as well as the appropriate projects. As a result, Colegio Santa Ines teamed up with TBox to train all its teachers on new learning methodologies to seamlessly integrate different technologies from preschool to high school, including robotics, 3D printing, and drones.