A virtual space where everyone is a key player in their own learning
A virtual space where everyone is a key player in their own learning
TBox Planet is an online educational platform that enables teachers and students to create and access content, as well as tools related to the classes.
Through their username and password, members are granted access to this platform, a safe environment, free from inappropriate material.
TBox Planet promotes distance learning and enhances teacher-student interaction.

With TBox Planet, parents and guardians are given their own account, where they can access school assignments, school schedules, teacher information, school reports, and others.

TBox Planet offers a range of tools to help users:
- Public and private files
- Image Gallery
- School Calendar
- Homework administrator
- Audio and video
- Blog creator
- Wikis creator
- Online Newsletters
- Online library: Recommended webistes
Available modules through our TBox App:
- Messages
- News
- Gradebook*
- Documents
- Follow up meetings*
- Student planner
- Newsletters
- Attendance*
*Available only to institutions that have TBox School

Webex Integrations
TBox Planet is integrated with Webex to teach virtual classes.
Below, we outline the integration process between those two platforms: